Well this weekend has been very productive, yesterday I ventured out early in the morning to go to a grab bag sale that was at Once Upon a Child, and of course it was closed. So while was out I stopped at walmart Nd pick up some things, it was such a pleasnt experience, it was not busy and everyone seemed really really nice. It may have been a sympathetic, your crazy for being our too, kind of nice but just the same nice@ walmart. Then by the time I got home the snow was too wet to play in so I decided to break out the sewing machine and try to figure out how to thread if. I was pretty succesful and even made 2 kids scarfs and a burp cloth for a friend. While I was sewing Brent painted the bathroom and Jake made some major progress with his potty training. All in all a productive day. Today was also a good day for some unfinished projects like laundry and cleaning. So after a quick trip out in the frozen snow, there was vaccuuming and folding and dusting, now there is napping and relaxing.
I'm thinking that when Brent and Jake wake up from there naps we will head over to walmart and pick ip some fabrik for my new hobby, I just need to get some ideas now that I have mastered scarfs. Any ideas send them this way!
This has been a much needed weekend, thank you Lord for working in great and mighty ways, and for providing us with everything that we need!
The Next Chapter
3 months ago